Teardrop Trail Log: March 23, 2016
We stayed in Seminole Canyon State Park our first night out, and found there had been recent rain in the high desert. That, combined with the time of year (late March) led to a profusion of wildflowers — the best I have ever seen in the arid Texas landscape. Marilyn and I spent a couple of pleasant hours photographing what we saw.
- Blue Sage
- Wild Onion
- Texas Sotol
- Texas Sage
- Texas Lantana
- Purple Feather Dalea
- Ocotillo
- Hog Potato
- Dodder on Texas Sage
- Blue Gilia and Low Bladderpod
- Blackbrush Acacia
- Black-Foot Daisy
The light was perfect too. Many of the photos were taken less than an hour before sunset — the Magic Light that photographers love …