Tag Archives: EZ-Toad

Buying a Custom Teardrop Trailer

a teardrop trailer under construction

Our teardrop trail under construction


We discussed how much fun it would be to go to the Red Power Round Up in June in our very own Teardrop Trailer. There were a couple of problems however. I certainly wasn’t going to have time to build one in the available time and commercial models are quite expensive. I wasn’t sure about spending so much money just to see if we liked it. The handmade model we saw at one of the RV dealers was closer to what we wanted but still a little pricey. I looked all over the Internet, but it was the same story everywhere — teardrop trailers are a boutique item and command premium prices. Perhaps a used one would do.

The unfinished interior

The unfinished interior

Craig’s List was the next stop. It’s easy to search a town or geographic region — perfect since shipping a trailer across country isn’t easy. There were always a few teardrops listed, but nothing that really spoke to me. Then I noticed a listing from EZ-Toad Trailers. There was one available, in the right price range, but with no galley. A phone call confirmed a teardrop with a galley could be ready in time and modifications could be made to suit our preferences. I thought about it for a day or two, and called Don (the builder) back to complete the deal. A teardrop in four to six weeks!

Waiting was difficult but Don sent pictures every couple of weeks as the build progressed. We would drive to Fort Worth on June 1st to pick it up. We were now the proud owners of a custom-built teardrop trailer!

galley view of unfinished teardrop trailer

Unfinished teardrop – galley view