Jim, June 23:
Monday morning — time to hit the road. We had the kitchen supplies, bikes, camping furniture, water and other odds and ends loaded into the rig. It was finally time to leave. Stopping in Drip’ to top off the tank, we had the first of what would become routine encounters on the trip: Teardrop Fans. Neither one of us were prepared for the notoriety, but it was fun. This fellow was considering the purchase of a teardrop, and wanted to see inside and ask a few questions. There is something magnetic about teardrops, and many folks seem drawn to the romance of the open road in a small trailer. Guess we’re not alone!

Lunch in Menard, Texas
First stop was Menard, Texas. We were getting hungry, and the beautiful pecan-shaded park provided an excellent place for a light repast of sandwiches, chips and cookies. As we left town, we had a little trouble understanding The Girl’s directions, and made an inadvertent 20-minute detour. No matter. After retracing our steps, we were back on the right path.
Eldorado, the Schleicher county seat and Marilyn’s childhood home, was the next major stop. We drove by her father’s former medical practice, a plain cinderbock building that seemed disused.

Former Medical Practice in Eldorado, Texas
Next was the County Office and Memorial building — fine examples of Texas public buildings that are common around the state. A final stop for gas, and we were on our way. Next stop: San Angelo, and the promise of a Starbuck’s Mocha!

The Old Jail in Eldorado, Texas